Police CyberAlarm monitors the logs of traffic seen by a member’s connection to the internet. It will detect and provide regular reports of suspected malicious activity, enabling organisations to minimise their vulnerabilities. The data collected by the system does not contain the body of the traffic. The system is designed to protect personal data, trade secrets and intellectual property.
Members of Police CyberAlarm will become part of the wider UK cyber defence network, sharing collected data with police for analysis at local, regional and national levels to identify trends, react to emerging threats and identify, pursue and prosecute cyber criminals.
Vulnerability Scanning can be added and used to scan an organisation’s website and external IP addresses, providing regular reports of all known vulnerabilities.
Data received by the Police CyberAlarm Server is then used to create regular reports on potential malicious activity seen by individual members as well as reports containing threat trends seen across the member network. Members can then use this reported intelligence to update their defences to better protect themselves from cyber threats.
Finally, this data is also used by the police cyber crime units to enhance the UK cyber crime threat picture, enabling them to identify, pursue and prosecute cyber criminals.Police CyberAlarm was initially launched as a pilot in the North West, North East, East Midlands and South Wales before being rolled out nationally making it available to forces in every region in the UK to offer to businesses.
Since Police CyberAlarm launched it has identified over a billion potential malicious incidents resulting in reports and advice being given to members, enabling them to take action to prevent a successful attack.
Registering for the Police CyberAlarm is a requirement of the Risk Protection Arrangement (RPA) for schools (this does not include running the software, purely registration)
To register please use the link below
More information
Rezolution ICT Ltd are registered with Police CyberAlarm